Thursday, December 17, 2009

Work That Should Be Completed...

Hello Students,

I hope all is well and you are succeeding in your online courses. In technology, I wanted to let you know where you should be by tomorrow, Dec 18. You should have completed Module 1- Module 5, all lessons and assignments. I know that you can complete all your work. Please let me know if you are having problems doing this. I am here to help you be successful. Also, you can take the time this vacation to catch up on your assignments. I hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity.

Have a great holiday break!

Mr. Luke Shubin

Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 17 Updates! (Dec 14 - Dec 18)

Hello Students,

I have added 1 new lesson and 1 new assignment this week: Lesson 5-03 Using Microsoft Paint Resource and Assignment 5-03 Using Microsoft Paint - Due Dec 18th. We are continuing Module 5 this week, but instead of continuing in Publisher, we are switching gears and will be learning about Microsoft Paint. The assignment is due Friday, Dec. 18th by midnight.

Happy Holidays!

Mr. Luke Shubin

Monday, December 7, 2009

Week 16 Updates! (Dec 6 - Dec 10)

Hello Students,

I know some of you are having problems with the first assignment in Module 5. I have revised the lesson and assignment to make it more clear for you. Please go back and check the lesson and assignment to make sure you have done it correctly. Some of you may not have Microsoft Publisher. Microsoft has a free trial you can download at the "Practice" page for the assignment.

I have added 1 new lesson and 1 new assignment this week: Lesson 5-02 - The Power of a Text Box Resource and Assignment 5-02 - The Power of a Text Box - Due Dec. 13th. We are continuing Module 5 this week which covers Microsoft Publisher. The assignment is due Sunday, Dec. 13th by midnight.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week 15 Updates! (Nov 30 - Dec 4)

Hello Students,

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving break! I hope you were able to get some valuable rest and fill up on some turkey. You have either recieved your 12-week grades or you will be receiving them soon. If you are not happy with your grade, you have till the end of this semester to make up work to improve your grade. Make sure to complete all assignments as these are the bulk of your grade. Do not ever give up and remember that I want you to succeed in this course.

I have added 1 new lesson and 1 new assignment this week: Lesson 5-01 - Intro to Microsoft Publisher Resource and Assignment 5-01 - Intro to Microsoft Publisher - Due Dec. 6th. We are starting Module 5 this week which covers Microsoft Publisher. The assignment is due Sunday, Dec. 6th by midnight.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 13 Updates! (Nov 16 - Nov 20)

Hello Students,

I have added 1 new assignment this week: Assignment: 4-04 Video and Audio Tools - DUE Nov. 22. Make sure to run through all the links before you start to produce the video. We are finishing Module 4 this week. This assignment is due Sunday, Nov 22nd by midnight. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving break!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Questions for Online School Presentations

Hello Students,

You will be assigned one question per group on the topic of online schools. Please post your responses as a "comment" using "comment as: anonymous." Make sure to post your group number with your responses. Here are the questions:

Group 1:
(True or False) Computers can be used for all of your class work.

Group 2:
(True or False) Distance learning is an educational tool.

Group 3:
(True or False) Students have the ability to work at their own pace.

Group 4:
(True or False) Students do not become isolated or anti-social.

Group 5:
(True or False) Online schools bridge the gap between rich and poor.

Group 6: (True or False) Traditional high schools have become complacent.

Week 12 Updates! (Nov 9-Nov13)

Hello Students,

I have added 2 new assignments and 1 lesson this week: Assignment: 4-03, MODULE 4- Lesson 4-03 Interactive Maps- pop up comments Part 2 and Assignment: 4-03 pt 2. We are finishing Module 4 this week, which is focused on Microsoft Excel.These assignments are due Sunday, Nov 15th by midnight.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 11 Updates! (Nov 2-Nov 6)

Hello students,

I have added 3 new lessons this week: MODULE 4-Lesson 4-01 Overview of Excel, MODULE 4- Lesson 4-02 Using Charts and MODULE 4- Lesson 4-03 Interactive Maps- pop up comments. We are continuing Module 4 this week, which is focused on Microsoft Excel.These lessons are due Sunday, Nov 8th by midnight.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 10 Updates! (Oct 26-Oct 30)

Hello students,

I have added 2 new assignments this week: WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER Participation 2 and Assignment: Excel Introduction. I also added a new lesson: MODULE 4- EXCEL INTRODUCTION. We are starting Module 4 this week, which is focused on Microsoft Excel.These assignments are due Sunday, Nov 1st by midnight.

For those of you who were present at the Elluminate session last week, I apologize for not attending. My computer was on the fritz and would not let me connect to the Elluminate. This week we will be on the Windows Live IM on Tuesday at 8:30 pm. It is worth points for you to attend.

I noticed that a few of you are making up work. You are doing a good job and keep up the good work. This will definitely help your grade. For others, if you need to make-up assignments, I encourage you to.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 9 Updates! (Oct 19-Oct 23)

Hello students,

I have added 1 new assignment this week: Assignment: 3-05. I also added two new lessons:Lesson 3-04- Adding Sound and Lesson 3-05- Adding a Movie, We are finishing Module 3 this week, which is focused on Microsoft Powerpoint.These assignments are due Sunday, Oct 25 by midnight.

Our next Elluminate session is scheduled for this Tuesday, Oct 20th at 8:30pm. Please visit this link to join: If you have any questions about how to use Elluminate, please conact Chai.

If you have missed assignments, make sure to make them up. You will get credit for completed assignments after the due date, but you will NOT get full credit.

Also, I will be at the Leadership Summit this Tuesday for a some time from 1:00pm-2:30pm. Make sure to say hello!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 8 Updates! (Oct 12-Oct 16)

Hello students,

I have added 2 new assignments this week: PHOTOFUNIA Activity Assignment and Assignment: 3-02. I also added two new lessons:Lesson 3-02 - The Basics and Lesson 3-03 Adding Backgrounds and Animation. We are continuing Module 3 this week, which is focused on Microsoft Powerpoint.These assignments are due Sunday, Oct 18 by midnight.

Our next Elluminate session is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 20th at 8:30pm. Please visit this link to join: If you have any questions about how to use Elluminate, please conact Chai.

You will be receiving your progress reports very soon. You will be given a chance to improve your grade throughout this semester. You need to make sure to TURN IN ASSIGNMENTS and PARTICIPATE. That is how to get a good grade in this class.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 7 Updates (Oct 5-Oct 9)

Hello students,

I have added 2 new assignments this week: WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER Participation Assignment and Product Review 2 - WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGER Assignment. I also added one new lesson:Lesson 3-01- Getting Started Resource We are starting Module 3 this week which is focused on Microsoft Powerpoint.

I wanted to brush on the topic of late work. Many students are handing in assignments late. This is not a good way to go about this class. Check due dates and make sure you complete assignments before the due date. Any late work gets 10% knocked off the total points. So, if the assignment is worth 20 points, you only get credit for 18 points. 10% of 20 is 2 points off. I will be taking the assignments off the Moodle in a reasonable amount of time after the due date. Only special cases will be considered after that.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 6 Updates! (Sept 28-Oct 2)

Hello students,

I have added 2 new assignments this week: ELLUMINATE Participation 2 Assignment and Lesson 2.08- Module Test Assignment. We are finishing Module 2 this week. These two assignments are due: Sunday, Oct 4th by midnight.

The next Elluminate session is planned for this Tuesday, September 29th at 8:30pm. Please use this link to enter the session: I would like to see more students in attendance at these sessions. It is a chance to communicate with me and let me know how things are going. Also, I go into detail about assignments.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 5 Updates! (Sept 21-25)

Hello students,

I have added 3 new assignments this week: Product Review 1 - ELLUMINATE LIVE Assignment, Assignment: 2-04 Using Bullets and Changing Styles and 2-05 Word Processing Pre-Test 2 Assignment We are continuing Module 2 this week. These three assignments are due: Sunday, September 27th by midnight.

The next Elluminate session is planned for Tuesday, September 29th at 8:30pm. Please use this link to enter the session: I would like to see more students in attendance at these sessions. It is a chance to communicate with me and let me know how things are going. Also, I go into detail about assignments.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 4 Updates!

Hello students,

IMPORTANT: Many of you have missed assignments on Module 1. Please contact me to discuss options. You are responsible for making the contact. It is YOUR grade. If you have any doubts or unsure about any assignments, let me know. I am willing to help you be successful.

The second topic I would like to discuss is Elluminate sessions. We have had low attendance at these voluntary sessions, so I am going to make the next session mandatory and worth points. The date and time for this session is Tuesday, September 15 at 8:30pm. Mark your calendars. These sessions are very important and allow for communication as a class. If for some important reason you cannot attend this meeting, please let me know in advance. I will have an alternate assignment available. Here's the link: When you click on the link, it will ask for your name. Just put your first name and it will lead you in. If you have any questions about using Elluminate, please contact Chai.

I have added 2 new assignments this week: ELLUMINATE Participation and Assignment: 2-01 Word. We are starting Module 2 this week. You will be learning about word processing on computers. Make sure to complete all the lessons listed on the Module 2 for this week.

Assignment: 2-01 Word is due: Sunday, September 20th by midnight.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 3 Updates!

Hello students,

I hope you have had a good Labor Day weekend! The first topic I would like to discuss is Elluminate sessions. We have had low attendance at these voluntary sessions, so I am going to make the next session mandatory and worth points. The date and time for this session is Tuesday, September 15 at 8:30pm. Mark your calendars. These sessions are very important and allow for communication as a class. If for some important reason you cannot attend this meeting, please let me know in advance. I will have an alternate assignment available. Here's the link: When you click on the link, it will ask for your name. Just put your first name and it will lead you in. If you have any questions about using Elluminate, please contact Chai.

I have added 3 new assignments this week: Assignment 1 - 01 - 3 Keyboarding, Article/Blog Review 2 Assignment and Assignment 1 - 02 Keyboarding Reflection Essay. The keyboarding assignment is just like the first couple of weeks. This will be the last week of keyboarding. Very Important: Make sure to type each weekday (Tuesday-Friday) for 30 minutes and post your scores to your log to record. This past week, some students only recorded a few days of typing. Make sure to record all four for full points. There is only four days this week because of the Labor Day holiday.

Article/Blog Review 2 is an assignment created to gain your interest in our Technology forums. Make sure to complete this assignment this week. It is mandatory. The website to reference is Gizmodo. Make sure to reply to at least one other classmates' post to get full credit along with your own summary.

Assignment 1 - 02 Keyboarding Reflection Essay is where you will reflect on how keyboarding is an important skill to have. This will be a one-page paper, so you will need to go into detail.

All three assignments are due: Sunday, September 13th by midnight.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 2 Updates!

Hello students,

We had our first practice Elluminate session last Tuesday. It was last minute, so it was not mandatory. I do recommend you joining our next session on Tuesday, September 1 at 8:30pm. Here is the link: Please spread the word to your other classmates!

I have added 2 new assignments this week: Assignment 1 - 01 - 2 Keyboarding and Article/Blog Review 1 Assignment. The keyboarding assignment is just like the first week. Hopefully your WPM (words per minute) will improve. Very Important: Make sure to type each weekday (Monday-Friday) for 30 minutes and post your scores to your log to record. This past week, some students only recorded a few days of typing. Make sure record all five for full points.

Article/Blog Review 1 is an assignment created to gain your interest in our Technology forums. Make sure to complete this assignment this week. It is mandatory.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Next ELLUMINATE Session is next Tuesday, Sept 1!

Hello students,

We had our first practice Elluminate session last night (Tuesday). It was last minute, so it was not mandatory. I do recommend you joining our next session on Tuesday, September 1 at 8:30pm. Here is the link: Please spread the word to your other classmates!

Talk to you soon,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ELLUMINATE Session tonight at 8pm!

Hello Tech Students,
Click on the link above to join a technology Elluminate session tonight (Tuesday) at 8pm. This will be a chance for us to connect.

Talk to you soon,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome Technology Students!

Hello 2009-10 Clovis Online Tech Students!

My name is Mr. Luke Shubin and I will be your Online Technology Teacher for this upcoming school year. I congratulate you on joining the Clovis Online School and being innovative. Innovation brings progress and that's what is needed to grow as a student and as a person. Technology itself is innovative also. So, you will be getting a double dose of innovation! We will be collaborators together on this online journey and your ideas are always welcome as comments, on blogs, on the Ning, etc. Let's welcome this challenge together.

Now, I will give you some background on myself. I graduated high school in 1997 from Walnut High school in L.A. County, CA. I then went on to college the next fall and graduated from Cal State Fullerton (in Orange County) in 2003 with a degree in communications/advertising. I went in the work force for a number of years doing graphic design/advertising. l learned many quality computer skills to help me be a productive worker. I recently got a technology credential through my experience and education, so I can teach this class. I'm also a present student at Fresno State working on getting a PE credential. Education can open the doors to many things.

Through this course, I wish for you as a student and collaborator learn as much about technology as possible. Technology has always been a growing subject and I hope your learning will not stop after this class. Keep current on technology trends and your life will be that much easier. Also, if there's any pointers you can give me, I will be more than happy to hear them.

Be ready for a challenge,

Mr. Luke Shubin

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Video On Technology!

Please watch this student-made video about Technology:

Friday, August 7, 2009



I'm Mr.Shubin and I will be teaching the Technology elective for the Clovis Online School for this upcoming school year. Please visit often as I will be updating my blog on a continuous basis. It is going to be an exciting and challenging year. Talk to you soon!

Mr. Shubin